If you buy gifts for friends and family at Christmas and don't have a Christmas Club, are you buying those gifts on credit? Just think, you might still be paying for purchases that you made several years ago. Make shopping easier and less stressed by opening your Christmas Club. Use automatic payroll deduction to deposit a small amount each pay check and watch your Christmas budget grow with little effort. Then on October 1st each year, the balance will automatically transfer to your primary share account and will be available for withdrawal, giving you 90 days to complete your shopping.
Design your custom savings account for any special need or future project, short or long term, such as vacation, wedding, taxes, back-to-school or a new kitchen for your home. This account is designed to separate your regular share account from your special savings projects and to help you budget for a future goal. You won't have to worry about how you are going to pay back your credit cards because you planned ahead and saved smart!
The club accounts have the same dividend rate of your shares account but may have limited withdrawals per year to encourage saving. A $5.00 minimum balance is required to open a club account.
These accounts are designed to help you budget for a future goal. The club accounts have the same dividend rate of your shares account but have limited withdrawals per year to encourage saving. If you need an early withdrawal from any of these accounts you may be subject to an early withdrawal penalty of any or all dividends associated with this account.